
These are just some of my many rablings on the future of technology, mostly this is very uncerious, speculative view of what would be really cool.. etc. etc.

Virtual Reality/The Metaverse

I have a very small project that I named ProjectV, that I want to encorporate some design features into, which I think would be in a precursor to a VR program. I very much doubt that this project is going to continue on to an actual implementation of what I have in mind of what I think VR should/could be. I started it just to give a couple ideas to other people that would like to start programs of their own. I believe in "opensource" because of its use of cooperation in programming, rather then proprietary standards, etc.

This project is going to be opensource'd as soon as I decide that it is at least in alpha quality. Please check out the overall design of ProjectV, for further detail on this subject.

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